Pediatric Preventive Dentistry
in Trumbull, CT

Get your little one on the right path towards a lifetime of healthy smiles with pediatric dental care at our office. With a focus on prevention and education, our team of experts can help ensure your child's mouth is developing properly and minimize their chances of needing more complex treatment later in life. With gentle techniques and a caring approach, pediatric dentistry practice is Trumbull can keep your child healthy, so they can focus on what they do best: being a kid!

Pediatric Preventive Dentistry in Trumbull, CT

Pediatric Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric Dental Cleanings

Our gentle and expert team provides thorough dental cleanings for your child, removing plaque, tartar, and surface stains. These cleanings are essential in preventing cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues, while also fostering positive dental experiences. Trust us to prioritize your child's oral health and well-being with personalized care and education.

Pediatric Preventive Dentistry in Trumbull

Pediatric Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays, a quick and efficient method for capturing images of your child's dental health, are used only when deemed necessary by the dentist. Typically, x-rays are recommended every few years, though children with a higher risk of oral disease may need more frequent scans.

Pediatric Preventive Dentist in Trumbull, CT

Pediatric Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are like invisible tooth protectors! We paint a clear, safe resin on your child's teeth that hardens under a special light. It acts like a shield, keeping away cavity-causing bacteria and food particles. This treatment is especially great for back teeth, where cavities are most likely to form.

Pediatric Preventive Dentist in Trumbull, CT

Pediatric Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric Oral Cancer Screenings

Yes, even kids need oral cancer screenings! This quick and safe check can be done without your child even noticing. Our dental team will take a good look at your child's mouth, gums, and oral tissues for any signs of trouble. If we spot something out of the ordinary, we'll guide you through the next steps. Regular dental visits can help us keep your child's mouth healthy and happy!

Silver Diamine Fluoride in Trumbull

Pediatric Preventive Dentistry

Silver Diamine Fluoride

When a pesky cavity pops up in your child's teeth, Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) might come to the rescue! This kid-friendly procedure is quick, pain-free, and doesn't involve any drills or shots. It's like painting a superhero shield on their tooth that fights off decay-causing bacteria and strengthens their tooth. So, if your child has a cavity, fillings aren't the only heroes in town!

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

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